Jonas Dorfinger - Fullstack Developer

I design and code beautifully simple things.

Hi, I'm Jonas. Nice to meet you.

Since beginning my journey as a media technology student, I've done remote work and lots of projects for 5 years. I worked for startups and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for both business and consumer use. I'm confident, naturally curious, and perpetually working on improving my skills.


I have a passion for creating beautiful and intuitive user interfaces.

Things I enjoy designing:

UX, UI, Mobile, Web, Apps

Design Tools:


Pen & Paper

Adobe Xd

Adobe Illustrator

Frontend Developer

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

Languages I speak:

HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Sass

Dev Tools:


IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate



Backend Developer

I build backend services for many use cases with the latest technologies.

Technologies I use:

Java, Kotlin, Node.js



complex algorithms

data structure

Wanna collaborate? Contact me!

My Recent Work

Here are a few projects I've worked on recently. Want to see more? Checkout my GitHub profile!

Schuldners Liste

Schuldners Liste

web app to keep track of your debtors and stuff View site
Order System


system for restaurants to digitalize ordering processes View site


ai voice assistant and chatbot (school project) View site
Rotes Kreuz Logo

Rotes Kreuz Lernapp

unofficial training app for red cross theory View site